NIH Long COVID Computational Challenge


Created By Timothy Bergquist trberg

Data access for research purpose for Long covid challenge
A major problem with evaluation of models due to strong confounding effects in the data
Is NotePad allowable for the final write up submission
Fail to "send to report" visualizations in transformation
Separate Workbooks for Data Processing and Analysis
How the final test set are split?
Future access and possible extended work
Put intermediate output/workbook in submission folder?
Changing Spark Environment
Max Iterations for Gradient Boosting
Enclave git functionality?
New Test Dataset Format
Concept Set Policy
Silver Standard File
Using publicly available ontologies
Test Data Characteristics
Concept Set to Workbook
Temporal Inclusion in Pfaff et al. (2022)
Is code repository acceptable for the final submission?
Evaluate metrics: F-beta
Report Requirements: Content, structure, length
Covid Index
No response to N3C Data Use Agreement submission
Datasets in N3C

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