MIDI-B De-identification Challenge
Created By
Maria Diaz mdsage1
Status: Completed
Support: syn53065849
Abstract: Image de-identification is a requirement for the public sharing of medical images. The goal of the Medical Image De-Identification Benchmark (MIDI-B) challenge is to assess rule-based DICOM image de-identification (deID) algorithms using a large and diverse set of standardized clinical images with synthetic identifiers. Automated image de-identification methods that preserve the research utility of the data are desirable.
DataType: Images
Overview: syn53065760/wiki/625274
Timeline: syn53065760/wiki/627882
Objective: syn53065760/wiki/627881
Incentives: syn53065760/wiki/627880
Organizers: syn53065847
Description: syn53065760/wiki/627878
ConductRules: syn53065760/wiki/627883
Contributors: syn53065848
Instructions: syn53065760/wiki/627879
ChallengeType: Model to Data
Task_1.DataWiki: syn53065760/wiki/627887
EligibilityRules: syn53065760/wiki/627885
Task_1.DataFolder: syn53065761
Task_1.Description: syn53065760/wiki/627877
Task_1.EvaluationWiki: syn53065760/wiki/627888
Task_1.SubmissionWiki: syn53065760/wiki/627890
Team ID at end of abstract
?Important! Reschedule the MIDI-B virtual workshop session on Oct. 24, 2024 ?
? Submission Deadline Extension of the MIDI-B Test Phase ?
Test Phase Content Shared
Guidance for Submitting Your De-ided Images to the Test Phase
Results Submitted and Permissions Changed
Test Phase Consent
Confirmation of Number Files in Input_Data.zip
! Measurement Metric Issue in the Leaderboard !
The Test Phase of the MIDI-B Challenge Is Active Now!
Not authorized to access the Download Page
Dont have access to the Test Data Yet
Cannot Access Data for Test Phase
No Access to Test Data
Doubt in the Discrepancy report
Question on Discrepancy Report
Workflow failed: OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
Evaluation Phase Submission Not On Leaderboard
Error: No such table: validation_reuslts
result leaderboard
New Submission Error = KeyError: 'instance'0
Clean Descriptors option
TCIA private tag disposition definitions
Submission Workflow Failing - no such table: validation_results
patientidmapping.csv not being picked up during submission
submission quota
Workflow Error
Different Series Number for the same Series Instance UID
Important: Provide Your Synapse Team ID or Synapse ID for the Test Phase
Invalid DICOM Tag (0008,0005)
Clarification on Private Creator dates and "tag_retained"
Reminder of Short Paper Submission
??The validation phase of the MIDI-B challenge is active now??
UID roots and Increment Value
Please Add the Synapse Team ID when Submitting a Short Paper
Workflow failed?
Clarification Needed on Short Paper Submission Deadline
Discrepancy Report Issues
Short Paper submission
Updates on MIDI-B Challenge: Leaderboard Issue and Short Paper Deadline Extension
answer key data
Cannot Download Scoring / Discrepancy Reports - Admin Permission Required
Cannot see leaderboard
Can not download scoring / discrepancy reports - Access rights lacking
Inquiry About Validation Report Turnaround Time
Submission UID Mapping File
Trainings Data
??Midi B Evaluation Queues Opening Soon! ??
? Announcement of changes to MIDI-B dates
Drop files to upload
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MIDI-B De-identification Challenge
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