Melissa Cline MelissaCline

What inspires me about bioinformatics is knowing that my work is leading to improvements in medical care. I am currently a senior scientist / project leader in the Computational Genomics Lab at the UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute. In this role, I manage collaborations that involve aggregating and applying genomics data for assessing genetic risk of cancer and for developing precision medicine approaches to cancer treatment. Scientific ? Bioinformatics scientist with more than fourteen years of post-graduate experience. ? Experienced in cancer genomics data analysis, including mutation calling, copy number estimation, RNAseq expression analysis and protein activity estimation. ? Solid knowledge of machine learning and statistical methods for sequence analysis. ? Advanced knowledge in transcriptomics and alternative splicing, including expression-based detection methods and analysis of regulatory signals. Technical ? Computational skills including Python, Perl, R, MySQL, C/C++ and Unix/Linux. ? Bioinformatics platforms including Galaxy, Cytoscape, Bioconductor - Genomics databases including UCSC Genome Browser, UCSC Cancer Genomics Browser, UCSC CGHub, TCGA Firehose, GenBank, ENSEMBL. Communications * Published over 45 peer-reviewed papers. First author of 11 and senior author of 1. * Accomplished grant writer with a successful track record at bringing in funding. Scientific Consortia ? Current: BRCA Challenge ? Past: TCGA Pan-Cancer Analysis Network, The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), TCGA Sequencing working group, TCGA Uterine Carcinosarcoma working group, ENCODE and Mouse ENCODE consortia, Cytoscape consortium.

Santa Cruz, CA, USA

Project Scientist


UC Santa Cruz Genomics Institute

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