Hector Zenil algomaster

I am interested in the algorithmic content of causal systems in connection to the observer and by its own, in its potential to understand underlying mechanisms of structures, to generate constructive hypotheses and to reprogram biological and synthetic systems. Enabled by these tools I identify local and global driving patterns of complex dynamic and evolving processes. ?My work thus focuses in translating and devising concepts drawn from computability, complexity and information theory to areas of application such as molecular biology, genetics, cognitive sciences and spatial computing. I have participated in previous DREAM challenges, one of which led to a recent accepted paper in Nature Methods associated to a causal network reconstruction of Breast cancer. My current and past affiliations include Karolinska Institute (postdoc then Assistant Prof), the University of Oxford (JTF fellow and PI), the University of Paris (Masters and PhD degrees), the University of Lille 1 (PhD degree), the University of Sheffield (postdoc research associate), MIT (visiting scholar), Carnegie Mellon (visiting scholar), NUS (visiting professor) and UNAM (B.Sc.).

Stockholm, Sweden

Assistant Professor

Computational Biology

Karolinska Institute

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