Bahman Afsari Bahman

Bahman Afsari received his BSc with honors in Electrical Engineering with minor in Control Engineering from the University of Tehran in 2004. He received his MS in Control Engineering from the University of Tehran with honors. He received his PhD from the Johns Hopkins University under the supervision of Prof. D. Geman in 2013. His dissertation was titled "Modeling Cancer Phenotypes with Order Statistics of Transcript Data" where he studied classifiers and distributions on the ordering of gene expression for cancer prediction. Since 2013, he has been a postdoctoral fellow with Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University under the supervision of Dr. E. J. Fertig. In addition to publishing papers in the field of bioinformatics, he was the member of multiple teams who won challenges including ICMLA Competition for "Micro-array Classification Challenge,'' and HPN-DREAM Challenge for Breast Cancer Network Inference. His area of research includes biomarker discovery and statistical analysis of cancer data. He is also interested in the application of dynamical systems in biological systems.

Baltimore, MD, USA

Post-doctoral Fellow


Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, Johns Hopkins University

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