Kristian Cibulskis kcibul

My research interests lie in the understanding of cancer through the application of computational methods at large scale. My training and early career were focused on software engineering in high volume transaction processing systems in the financial industry. Later, I shifted that focus to the genome sequencing domain where I applied my engineering skills to computational problems in both capillary and then next generation sequencing methods development and large scale analysis. I am particularly interested in the goal of completely and accurately characterizing individual cancer genomes, and the potential impact that could have upon clinical medicine. 2013-Present Assistant Director, Broad Institute, Cambridge MA 2008-2013 Computational Biologist, Broad Institute, Cambridge MA 2004-2008 Senior Software Engineer, Broad Institute, Cambridge MA 2003-2004 Technical Lead, DeNovis, Lexington, MA 2001-2003 Technical Lead, Sun Microsystems, Marlborough, MA 2000-2001 Principal Architect, Vertica Systems, Medford MA 1996-2000 Software Architect, Sapient Corporation, Cambridge MA Recent relevant publications (Selected from 43 peer-reviewed publications, * denotes equal contributions) 1. Cibulskis K, Lawrence MS, Carter SL, Sivachenko A, Jaffe D, Sougnez C, Gabriel?S, Meyerson M, Lander ES, Getz G. Sensitive detection of somatic point mutations?in impure and heterogeneous cancer samples. Nat Biotechnol. 2013 Mar;31(3):213-9. 2. Cibulskis K, McKenna A, Fennell T, Banks E, DePristo M, Getz G. ContEst: estimating cross- contamination of human samples in next-generation sequencing data. Bioinformatics. 2011 Sep 15;27(18):2601-2 3. Banerji S*, Cibulskis K*, Rangel-Escareno C*, Brown KK* et al., Sequence analysis of mutations and translocations across breast cancer subtypes. Nature. 2012 Jun 20;486(7403):405-9 4. Carter SL, Cibulskis K, Helman E, McKenna A, Shen H, Zack T, Laird PW, Onofrio RC, Winckler W, Weir BA, Beroukhim R, Pellman D, Levine DA, Lander ES, Meyerson M, Getz G. Absolute quantification of somatic DNA alterations in human cancer. Nat Biotechnol. 2012 May;30(5):413-21 5. M. Lawrence, P.Stojanov, P.Polak, et al, Mutational heterogeneity in cancer and the search for new cancer-associated genes, Nature 499, 2013 6. Landau, D. A. et al. Evolution and impact of subclonal mutations in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. CELL 152, 714?726 (2013).

Cambridge, MA USA

Assistant Director, Cancer Genome Analysis

Broad Institute

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