Michel Dumontier micheldumontier

Michel Dumontier is a Distinguished Professor of Data Science at Maastricht University. His research focuses on the development of computational methods for scalable integration and reproducible analysis of FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) data across scales - from molecules, tissues, organs, individuals, populations to the environment. His group combines semantic web technologies with effective indexing, machine learning and network analysis for drug discovery and personalized medicine. He is a Principal Investigator for the NCATS Biomedical Data Translator and a founding member of the NIH BD2K Center for Expanded Data Annotation and Retrieval (CEDAR). He is a member of the Dutch TechCenter for Life Sciences, and participates in Elixir, a EU wide initiative to develop a distributed infrastructure for life-science information. He is the editor-in-chief for the IOS press journal Data Science and an associate editor for the IOS press journal Semantic Web. Dr. Dumontier leads a new inter-faculty Institute for Data Science at Maastricht University with a focus on accelerating discovery science, empowering communities, and improving health and well being.

Maastricht, Netherlands

Distinguished Professor

Data Science

Maastricht University

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