I have an extensive background in medicine, pharmacology and computational biology, with specific training and expertise in ovarian cancer pharmacogenomics. My research activities have focused on using computational and functional studies to identify mechanisms of cancer drug resistance, and to develop novel approaches/markers for personalized cancer medicine. The successful instances include (1) the development of an algorithm named MIRACLE (Master mIRna Analysis for Cancer moLecular subtypE) to integratively characterize the genomic and epigenetic landscapes of miRNA genes in ovarian cancer, (2) the identification of miR-506 as a novel tumor suppressor miRNA inhibiting epithelial-to-mesenchymal (EMT), cell senescence, and homologous recombination (HR) pathways in ovarian cancer, and (3) the identification of epigenetic and genetic alterations of genes in HR pathway (e.g., BRCA2 mutation, BRCA1 hypermethylation, and RAD50 copy number deletion) and their impact on the genome instability and cisplatin sensitivity in ovarian and gastric cancer. These clinical-relevant advances have motivated molecular, cellular and murine model-based studies of how tumor cells progress and develop resistance to chemotherapy. These studies have also resulted in high impact publications and a vibrant training environment. Additionally, I have leadership skill and unique knowledge of these areas and have assembled a research team with a proven track-record to successfully carry out this impactful research.