I have BS and MSc degrees in triple "E"- electrical & electronical engineering. Then I earned my PhD in genomics and working in another field of double "E" - ecology and evolution of cancer genomes. I experienced in genomics, bioinformatics and computational biology. And I'm expertised in machine learning, algorithm development, data mining and high-performance computing.
Shanon started his research and finish PhD thesis in theoretical population genetics, then he worked on information theory research which is basis of electrical engineering. However, I started from information theory and technique then focus on cancer evolutionary genomics and personalized medicine. Cause I want to become a "creative destructor" of traditional medicine with my 5EGM: Electrical & Electronical Engineering- driven and Ecology & Evolution - guided Genomic Medicine.
My group focuses on cancer evolutionary genomics and algorithm development in data analysis. I found a new tumor suppressor gene in acute leukemia, and publish a Nature Genetics paper as a co-first author recently. I developed a FPGA-driven short read aligner based on Burrows?Wheeler transform and a series of cancer somatic variation detectors including CASpoint, CASbreak and CAScnv. I'm involved in many cancer genomics projects related to acute myeloid leukemia, colon cancer and HCC evolutionary dynamics.