Chris Plaisier plaisier

My experiences as a software engineer, molecular biologist, and human geneticist have uniquely prepared me for the challenges facing the modern researcher. I received my undergraduate training in basic biology from the University of Utah. The next two years I spent as a software engineer where I learned how to design, develop, and implement software. This experience has allowed me to identify where automation and programming can be utilized for data-mining and analysis. As a technician in a plant molecular biology laboratory, I learned and developed molecular biology techniques which provided me with the skills needed to create new datasets. During my graduate studies I have learned the ins and outs of human genetics and statistics. It was also the first time I have been able to apply both molecular and computational biology together, and through my experiences I have learned the synergistic nature of these two disciplines. My long term goal is to start my own laboratory conducting research using cutting edge technology, while focusing on a relevant biological problem. I also want to continue adapting and developing computational techniques to analyze the resulting datasets. Ensuring that we integrate the resulting data with public resources and that we make available our results in a format that other researchers can utilize. I would like to utilize a model system or organism to be able to test hypotheses and build models. By gathering and integrating more data it will be possible to build better and more refined models. I would also like the opportunity to give back to the academic community by teaching a new generation of scientists. As a scientist I foremost want to ensure the integrity and utility of my research, and will always work with these values at heart. Specialties: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Statistics, Transcriptional Modeling, Gene Expression, Human Genetics, Web Development with Emphasis on Bioinformatically Oriented Sites

Seattle, USA

Senior Research Scientist

Computational Biologist

Institute for Systems Biology

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