Antonio Palmeri palmeri

Antonio Palmeri is a Postdoctoral Researcher in prof. Helmer-Citterich group at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where he graduated with honors in Bioinformatics and obtained his PhD in Cell and Molecular Biology in 2013. His main interest is in the development of novel methods at the intersection between complex diseases, cell signaling and evolution. He deploys computational techniques to predict properties of biological systems, in order to model human complex diseases or understand the rules that allow cells to respond to environmental clues and maintain signal fidelity in their intra- and inter-cell communications within tissues. He is a visiting scientist in prof. Rune Linding lab at the Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC), University of Copenhagen (UCPH), and a collaborator of prof. Gianni Cesareni.

Copenhagen Area, Capital Region, Denmark

Postdoctoral Researcher


University of Tor Vergata

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