Samer Mouksassi samer.mouksassi

Samer is an established pharmacometrician providing solutions for optimizing drug development and health care problems. He holds a clinical degree Pharm. D. (Lebanese University), and postgraduate degrees in Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Pharmacokinetics Modeling and Simulation from Saint Joseph University and University of Montreal, PQ, Canada. During his industry experience Samer?s team successfully obtained several regulatory approvals from the FDA, EMEA and PMDA for several therapeutic indications namely in Pediatrics and Rare Diseases. More recently, Samer was the key analyst that led the efforts to successfully qualify an imaging biomarker for polycystic kidney disease supporting the Clinical Path Institute, a non-profit organization. He continues to specialize in bringing therapeutic options for neglected disease and vulnerable populations. He is currently dedicated to the Healthy Birth, Growth, and Development knowledge integration (HBGDki) initiative at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Cairo, Egypt

Senior Director Pharmacometrics

Pharmaceutical/Public Health

Certara Strategic Consulting

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