Dr Alia Benkahla is a bioinformaticist she did her PhD studies at the IGS-CNRS in Marseille. Her initial training was in Mathematics. She started as Post-Doctoral fellow at the Max-Planck Institute in Berlin, and moved to the Institut Pasteur de Tunis in January 2005. She initiated the Group of Bioinformatics and Mathematical Modeling and invested her initial period at IPT in capacity building in the field of Bioinformatics by: training students; co-organizing international events in Africa; and looking for funds in Bioinformatics for Tunisia?s and Africa?s health issues. She is the President of the African Society of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology since September 2015. She was the chair of the third ISCB Africa ASBCB Conference on Bioinformatics 2013. She was the PI of 5 research projects and is the PI of the H3ABioNet Tunisian node. She is member of the Scientific and Training Advisory Board of the Wellcome Trust DELTAS project: ?Developing Excellence in Leadership and Genetic Training for Malaria Elimination in Sub-Saharan Africa (DELGEME)?. She is co-coordinating the H3Africa Phenotype Harmonization WG. Her research is mainly in the area of systems biology aimed at understanding processes of regulation, interaction, signaling mechanisms activated in response to diseases (i.e., leishmaniasis and/or tuberculosis, cancer).
She is co-author of 23 publications among which: 3 Nature, 2 Sciences and co-author of 2 book chapters.
Tunis, Tunisia
Laboratory of BioInformatics, bioMathematics and bioStatistics