Peter Brooks fustbariclation

Peter worked for Hewlett-Packard (HP) for 20 years, in the UK, South Africa and New Zealand. He initially provided highly technical consultancy and wrote a driver for Siemens, enabling them to automate the testing of railway tracks. Peter also provided consultancy and training in microcode programming to British Telecom, enabling them to process speech to save bandwidth on transatlantic telephone calls. In the late 1980s, Peter managed a team of consultants as part of the provision of outsourced network services. The major customer, Hertz Europe, was rolling out a network across Europe to optimise their car rental business. Peter designed the contract and negotiated the terms, enabling Hertz to have a smooth low-cost initial period, yet remain highly profitable. He also designed a simulation to a high standard of accuracy that enabled the user performance time to be predicted for new sites. During the 1990s, Peter started to provide specific service consultancy to a number of different companies, as well as consultancy on training provision. In the first decade of this century, Peter provided, in partnership with HP, consultancy to Samsung in South Korea to enable them to use ITIL for their Service Management initiative, - the Samsung project subsequently won an award from itSMF UK. In addition to this, he provided consultancy and training to many different companies, and wrote books on metrics, requirements, consultancy, and service governance. Peter is an accredited trainer in ITIL and ISO 20000, as well as training in many other fields, from security to business analysis. Peter is still writing books, but, in recent years, he has provided guidance on delivering governance, ethical governance, and clinical governance consulting. The largest project, to date, has been defining the governance and policy for a clinic in Abu Dhabi, set up by King's College Hospital in the UK. Peter is also the co-chair of the Abu Dhabi clinic's ethics committee.

Cape Town, South Africa

Independent Consultant

Service Governance

Chair of Ethics Committee at King's College Hospital Clinics Abu Dhabi

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