Victor Hanson-Smith victorhansonsmith

I lead a world-class team of computational biologists to discover new drugs for neurodegenerative diseases, including ALS, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's Disease. My work combines a wide range of methods, including transcriptomics, genetics, biostatistics, and high-performance supercomputing. I am also a full-stack Django web developer. I have twenty years experience software engineering with C/C++, Python, R, Java, Ruby, and Perl. I am equally comfortable engineering scalable databases on the back-end, pipeline and engines on the server-side, and user-centric web interfaces on the front-end. Depending on the day and project, I am a scientist, software engineer, big data analyst, bioinformatician, teacher, leader, and team player. Please message me for recent CV and publication record.

San Francisco, CA

Head of Computational Biology


Verge Genomics

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