Mauricio Cerda was born in 1982 in Temuco, Chile. He obtained the B.S. degree on 2006, and Computer Engineer degree on 2007, both from the University of Chile. In 2011 he obtained the Ph.D. degree on Informatique at the INRIA/Loria Laboratory, Université Nancy 2, France supervised by Prof. Bernard Girau in the Cortex Team. The main topics of his PhD thesis were bio-inspired motion detection and perception. Since 2012 he joined the SCIAN-Lab as FONDECYT postdoc working with Steffen Hartel at the Medicine Faculty, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, where he worked on the quantification of 2D/3D structure in microscopy images. In January 2015 he was appointed Assistant Professor at the same institution. Currently, he works on the quantification of 2D dynamics of microscopy and ultrasound medical images supported by his FONDECYT Iniciación project (2016-2019). He is a young researcher of the Biomedical Neuroscience Institute (BNI), and Subdirector of the Center for Medical Informatics and Telemedicine (CIMT) created in 2015.