Dan Webster danWebsterSage

Dan Webster is a Principal Scientist on the Digital Health team at Sage Bionetworks. His scientific training spanned from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (Genetics) and Stanford (Cancer Biology), followed by postdoctoral work in cancer genomics as a Damon Runyon Fellow at the National Cancer Institute.  Dan's current research focuses on large-scale remote research studies that use the sensors embedded into phones to frequently measure and manage disease in real-world settings. Dan personally designed, implemented, and deployed one of the first ResearchKit studies, the Mole Mapper Melanoma Study, which uses the iPhone camera to quantitatively track potential pre-cancerous lesions over time. Dan was recognized with a 2017 STATNews Wunderkind Award for his work in digital health research. Dan's ongoing research is focused on patient self-measurement of immune-mediated diseases, including the Psorcast study to create forecasts of disease outcomes in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Seattle, WA, USA

Principal Scientist

Digital Health

Sage Bionetworks

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