Shihua Zhang amss1012

Shihua Zhang is an Associate Professor of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, at CAS. He became interested in Computational Biology, and pursued a Ph.D. focusing on Computational Biology at the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, at CAS. After graduation, he had postdoctoral training at the University of Southern Canlifornia. His interests are within Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Network Science, particularly in Cancer Genomics, Epigenetics and Network Biology. He has published over 50 technical papers in the refereed journals and conference proceedings such as in Bioinformatics (including two ISMB papers), PLoS Computational Biology, Nucleic Acids Research, Proteomics, Plos ONE, BMC Systems Biology, BMC Bioinformatics and Physical Review E. Now he sever as an Associate Editor of BMC Genomics and Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. He won the Youth Science and Technology Award of China (2013), Lu Jia-Xi Young Investigator Award (2013), National Excellent PhD Thesis Award (2010) and Special Presidential Prize of CAS (2008).

Beijing, China

Associate Professor

Bioinformatics and Cancer Genomics

Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS

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