After install all required packages (in python 3), you need to do following: first fix the urllib isssues by making the validation script python 3 compatible ``` 2to3 -w Genie/sage_processing/ ``` then edit the script ``` vi Genie/sage_processing/ ``` and change following in line 192 between read(), and split()**.decode('utf-8')**.split('\n') There probably better way to do it. But this worked for me.

Created by Xiaoyu Liu xliu
If you can run the script for validating clinical data, but it reports that: *Patient: Please double check your BIRTH_YEAR column. This column must be integers or blank.* But you are sure the BIRTH_YEAR are integers, you can further edit the script line 305: if not all([isinstance(i, (int,float)) or i == "" for i in .... to if not all([isinstance(i, np.int64) or i == "" for i in .... Same edit to line 247 (AGE_AT_SEQ_REPORT) You also need to add ```import numpy as np``` at the begin of the script.

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