I am interested in looking at blood pressure and physical activity data. I found one blood pressure reading per entry in the risk factors table. Does anyone know if there is more than one blood pressure data point per person?
Also, when I download the excel files for health kit data and activity tracking data the excel files don't seem to have any data in them besides iphone type and record ID, etc. Does anyone know if we have access to this data? Is there a different way to download to see data points?
Thanks so much.
Created by Elizabeth Dineen (Hill) eahill There is information in the "Heart Age Survey" re: self-reported BP.
Re: bulk download of the tables, there is a thread in the discussion [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn11269541/discussion/threadId=5437) giving a few examples of how to access the data programmatically. There are many files, so downloading manually is not very practical.
Hope this helps!
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