Created By
Robert Allaway allawayr
assay: RNA-seq
runType: pairedEnd
species: Mus musculus
studyId: syn2343195
cellType: schwann
dataType: geneExpression
platform: Illumina HiSeq 2500
studyName: Synodos NF2
tumorType: Schwannoma
accessTeam: 273948
accessType: PUBLIC
fileFormat: bam
initiative: Synodos
isCellLine: Yes
isStranded: Yes
readLength: 51-76
specimenID: batch5_MS12_7
dataSubtype: processed
libraryPrep: polyAselection
nf1Genotype: unknown
nf2Genotype: +/+
compoundDose: 100
compoundName: CUDC-907
individualID: MS12
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: CTF
isModelSystem: TRUE
timePointUnit: hours
alignmentMethod: GSNAP
isMultiSpecimen: No
modelSystemName: MS12
compoundDoseUnit: nM
isMultiIndividual: No
genePerturbationType: control
cellLineMetadataSynId: syn6138288
experimentalCondition: 100 nM CUDC-907
experimentalTimePoint: 24
individualMetadataSynId: syn6138288
genePerturbationTechnology: CRE Recombinase
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