After submission I received a message mentioning a scoreboard at!Synapse:syn11294478/wiki/494256 Now I do not find any scoreboard at this address. Could you please help? Also I have no evidence that my file has been correctly uploaded. Can you help me with that too? Best

Created by Gianluca Bontempi gbontempi
1) The test_censoring is the data of which you will be tested upon, thus it contains only the observed (factual) variables (and not the unobserved counterfactuals which are used for validation). 2) I'm not sure if the Synapse platform overwrites it completely, but when we will fetch the submissions we would make sure to grab the most-recent ones.
Additional question: once a new submission is made is the old one overwritten?
Thanks. Another question then. In the submission instructions you mention "censoring" and "scaling". Now in the test_censoring .tar there was only a directory named "factuals". Should the "factuals" directory be used for producing the censoring prediction? Thanks
The scoreboard is a remnant of the past which you can safely ignore. We since [uploaded the benchmarking code to Github](, so you're welcome to use it in order to check your performance. As for evidence for your submission, it suppose to be the exact mail you received (the one directing you to the scoreboard). I double-checked anyway and you can rest assure you're submissions (the entity name is `gbonte`, I'll allow my self to interpolate :) were received. Sorry for the lack of clarity,

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