Is it possible for each team to have more than one set of submissions?

Created by Jennifer Hill jlhillny
This is indeed indeed strange and I believe it might has to do with Synapse's own limitations. Namely, the platform nay limit submissions-per-member rather than submissions-per-team. I forwarded an inquiry, but I'm afraid a response will arrive too late. Meanwhile, the only solution I can think of, quickest and dirtiest as one can possibly be, is to create multiple accounts on Synapse and submit one from each. I apologize for the overhead. Good luck.
Thanks! I just tried to submit as a team, and was successful for the first set of submissions. When I tried to submit as a separate team, it says "No eligible contributors on the selected team", and it says I have a conflicting submission. How should I go around this? I can't seem to be able to submit on behalf of more than one teams.
Yes, an individual can form single-member teams then submit multiple entries (but please follow Ashley's instructions above: up to three meaningfully different submissions)
Can an individual submit multiple submissions? If so, how would that work? Thanks!
Participants can form/join multiple teams, and submit a solution on behalf of each team. However, we ask that participants limit the number of teams they join to no more than three. Additionally, please do not submit solutions unless they are meaningfully different from one another (e.g., different submissions should not consist of changing the value of a single parameter).

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