For file syn22018369, there might be an error in the assay_value column, row 20. It has a `,` rather than a `.`. 1237,5, which I expect should be 1237.5. Has anyone else noticed that?

Created by James Pino jamespino
@jamespino , did you ever hear back about this? Thanks!
Hi @YUXIWANG, I wanted to tag you in this thread to see what your thoughts were on this issue mentioned by @jamespino
Thanks for the heads up, @jamespino! @HirbeLabatWUSTL, could someone comment on this and let @jamespino know what the correct value is? If this needs to be changed, you can simply upload a corrected version of the file by going to syn22018369, clicking "File Tools" -> "Upload a New Version of File". This will preserve your file annotations so that you do not need to re-annotate anything. Thanks!

Possible error in file page is loading…