Project Files and Metadata


Created By Sara Gosline sgosline

assay: in vivo tumor growth
species: Homo sapiens
bodyPart: back abdomen arm, thigh
dataType: volume
dataUnit: mm3
tumorType: Cutaneous Neurofibroma
specimenID: small 1 small 2 small 3 small 4 small 5 large 1 large 2 large 3 large 4 large 5
nf1Genotype: Unknown
nf2Genotype: Unknown
individualID: AL002-002 AL002-005 AL002-008 AL002-013 AL002-014 AL002-015 AL002-016 NCI-001
timePointUnit: month
isMultiSpecimen: TRUE
experimentalTimepoint: baseline postcycle4 postcycle8 postcycle12 postcycle16 postcycle20 postcycle24

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