

Created By Matt msoloway

assay: whole exome sequencing
runType: pairedEnd
species: Mus musculus
studyId: syn51133946
dataType: genomicVariants
platform: Illumina NextSeq 500
studyName: DHART SPORE Project 3 Phase 1 - A High Content Clinical Trial of the MEK Inhibitor Trametinib in Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML)
studySite: UCSF: Kevin Shannon
accessType: PRIVATE
fileFormat: fastq
initiative: Developmental and HyperActive Ras Tumor Specialized Programs of Research Excellence
isStranded: Yes
readLength: 150
specimenID: BM11D_T_00001D46CL
dataSubtype: raw
libraryPrep: Agilent SureSelect XT Human All Exon v6
individualID: UCSF_M11
resourceType: experimentalData
fundingAgency: NIH-NCI
isMultiSpecimen: No
specimenIdSource: UNC TGL
isMultiIndividual: No

161130_NS500270_0156_AHC2JYBGXY_HC2JYBGXY_GACTAGTA_145896_S4_L001_R1.fastq.gz page is loading…