Created By
Alexey Kozlenkov alexko
PI: Stella Dracheva, Schahram Akbarian
read: R1
assay: ChIPSeq
grant: R21MH103877
group: MSSM
organ: brain
study: EpiGABA
tissue: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
runType: pairedEnd
species: Human
cellType: oligodendrocyte
dataType: chromatinActivity
platform: HiSeq2500
consortium: PEC
fileFormat: fastq
isStranded: FALSE
readLength: 50
specimenID: H276.OLIG_H3K27me3
assayTarget: H3K27me3
dataSubtype: raw
individualID: H276
resourceType: experimentalData
specimenIDSource: YasminHurd_BrainCollection_MSSM
nucleicAcidSource: bulk cell
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