Copy and paste your code from the Module 6 Matlab exercise here. It should look something like this: ``` %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%submit this section of code to the Synapse page%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ``` > **Note:** if you put 3 back-ticks ( ``` ) above and below your pasted code, Synapse will format the post a bit more nicely for you! Brian and James will check out what you did and provide feedback soon!

Created by James Eddy jaeddy
Your code looks great Ruth and Edwin. We hope that you found the activity worthwhile and stimulating!
for i = 2:numSteps %define the space over which to simulate for n = 1:clutchNum %loop over each individual clutch if clutchState(n) == 0% !! clutch is unbound pBind = 1-exp(-clutchOn*timeStep);% !! probability of binding within the given time step temp = rand; % !! generate random number if temp <= pBind %determine if the event is executed or not clutchState(n) = 1; % !! clutch is now bound end elseif clutchState(n) == 1 % !! clutch is bound %% unbinding rate is now depending on the loading force clutchOff_prime = clutchOff*exp(clutchForce(n)/bondForce); % !! from Eq. 7, calculate the loaded dissociation rate pUnbind = 1-exp(-clutchOff_prime*timeStep); % new probability of unbinding within the given time step temp = rand; % !! generate random number if temp <= pUnbind % !! determine if the event is executed or not clutchState(n) = 0; % !! clutch is now unbound end end end csArray(i) = sum(clutchState); %record the total number of bound clutches %balance the forces to determine the substrate position sumClutchPos = sum(clutchPos(clutchState==1)); %summation from numerator of Eq. 5, do not change (note: this is only the summation, not complete numerator) subPos(i) = (clutchKs*sumClutchPos)/(subKs+(csArray(i)*clutchKs)); % !! from Eq. 5, solve for the substrate position %% solve for the actin flow rate based on the load Fstall = motorNum*motorForce; % from Eq. 10, calculate the total stall force actinFlow(i) = motorVel*(1-((subKs*subPos(i))/Fstall)); % !! from Eq. 9, determine the actin flow rate %% forces have been added. loop through each clutch, update position and calculate force for n = 1:clutchNum if clutchState(n) == 0% !! clutch is unbound clutchPos(n) = subPos(i); %unbound clutches are set at the substrate position clutchForce(n) = (clutchPos(n)-subPos(i)); % !! from Eq. 8, determine the force on the individual clutch elseif clutchState(n) == 1 % !! clutch is bound clutchPos(n) = clutchPos(n) + actinFlow(i)*timeStep; % !! position moves at velocity of actin flow clutchForce(n) = clutchKs*(clutchPos(n)-subPos(i)); % !! from Eq. 8, determine the force on the individual clutch end end timeArray(i) = timeArray(i-1)+timeStep; %record the current time end
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%submit this section of code to the Synapse page%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for i = 2:numSteps %define the space over which to simulate for n = 1:clutchNum %loop over each individual clutch if clutchState(n) == 0% !! clutch is unbound pBind = 1-exp(-clutchOn*timeStep);% !! probability of binding within the given time step temp = rand; % !! generate random number if temp <= pBind %determine if the event is executed or not clutchState(n) = 1; % !! clutch is now bound end elseif clutchState(n) == 1% !! clutch is bound %% unbinding rate is now depending on the loading force clutchOff_prime = clutchOff*exp(clutchForce(n)/bondForce); % !! from Eq. 7, calculate the loaded dissociation rate pUnbind = 1-exp(-clutchOff_prime*timeStep); % new probability of unbinding within the given time step temp = rand; % !! generate random number if temp <= pUnbind % !! determine if the event is executed or not clutchState(n) = 0; % !! clutch is now unbound end end end csArray(i) = sum(clutchState); %record the total number of bound clutches %balance the forces to determine the substrate position sumClutchPos = sum(clutchPos(clutchState==1)); %summation from numerator of Eq. 5, do not change (note: this is only the summation, not complete numerator) subPos(i) = (clutchKs*sumClutchPos)/(subKs+(csArray(i)*clutchKs)); % !! from Eq. 5, solve for the substrate position %% solve for the actin flow rate based on the load Fstall = motorNum*motorForce; % from Eq. 10, calculate the total stall force actinFlow(i) = motorVel*(1-((subKs*subPos(i))/Fstall)); % !! from Eq. 9, determine the actin flow rate %% forces have been added. loop through each clutch, update position and calculate force for n = 1:clutchNum if clutchState(n) == 0 % !! clutch is unbound clutchPos(n) = subPos(i); %unbound clutches are set at the substrate position clutchForce(n) = clutchKs*(clutchPos(n)-subPos(i)); % !! from Eq. 8, determine the force on the individual clutch elseif clutchState(n) == 1% !! clutch is bound clutchPos(n) = clutchPos(n)+actinFlow(i)*timeStep; % !! position moves at velocity of actin flow clutchForce(n) = clutchKs*(clutchPos(n)-subPos(i)); % !! from Eq. 8, determine the force on the individual clutch end end timeArray(i) = timeArray(i-1)+timeStep; %record the current time end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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