Please share with interested colleagues Fliers also available at [link](!Synapse:syn12138866/wiki/581902) **PUNE** Date: July 16th, 2018 (Monday) Time: 11.00 A.M. ? 12:30 P.M. Venue: Lecture Theatre, Venture Centre, 100 NCL Innovation Park, Dr Homi Bhabha Rd, Pashan, Pune, Maharashtra 411008 **MUMBAI** Date: July 17th, 2018 (Tuesday) Time: 1.30 P.M. ? 3.00 P.M. Venue: Seminar Hall, Ground Floor, (NIRRH) National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Jehangir Merwanji Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012

Created by Rukmini Kumar Rukmini
@Rukmini Could you please post the outreach content here? Thanks, Chandana.
@nishichakra Kolkata events confirmed and details on [News Updates](!Synapse:syn12138866/wiki/581902)
Please let me know if the Kolkata event is confirmed... Thanks
Hi Rukmini, Kindly me let me know if there is any fees for registration in Out reach event.
Tomorrow I coming with the following objectives. 1. There are several issues we had not bothered to look in 30 years ago, but which are really bothering us 1. Speech and communication disorders in children in India. 2. Differently abled children problems 3. Follow up of high risk children in the community. Under a NRHM pilot study Under SOCHARA bangalore, we had generated data from 117 panchayaths in Vellore district alone and surprisingly, the community itself monitored their health services and came up with solution. That was 10 years ago. Now communications tools are easily available to all and people are willing to learn. surgical counterparts have moved ahead with gadgets, but in medical side we have to gather information, tabluate, and follow up over a extended period of time. no single software can help in child health . We have to have a change in working pattern. We have to divide what are the things which can be done by parents, what by the community and what by front desk. and that by physicians. We must teach parents, para medical workers. We have to show Panchayath raj leaders what can be done with their powers. Village health Nutritions water sanitation committee to be made functional. Build health activitis. Have friends in print media who can speak our cause. so many avenues Now one of the pillar of primary health care is intersectoral coordination. IDRC Canada has given sufficient road map follow in this. Using data as against gadgets and hospitals, how can I improve, atleast the health status in a small community, whom I know well. To this end What I can learn from this challenge, now that I have friends from IIt research park itself regards arulalan
thanks madam, I have decided to come and one my team mates from helyxon will join me arulalan
Welcome @arulalan ! Registration starts at 10am (check pdf attachment) and the talks at 1030am. Do come by or send your teammates between 10 & 1030am.
Madam we will be attending tomorrow programme at IIT m should we register or is it just walk in either me or one from our team from IIT research park company will attend regards arulalan
@Ramya2018 , it is at 1030 AM 25 July Wed at St John's Research Institute. That is confirmed. I will update the exact hall location soon. (complete details on Bangalore are in the [News Updates](!Synapse:syn12138866/wiki/581902)
Hi Chandana, We are interested to collaborate with yourself. Kindly let me know your thoughts Regards Ramya
Kindly confirm the time and venue for Bangalore event.
None planned for Hyderabad at this time @chandananv ! Sorry - but we'll update the outreach content in 1 place here soon! -R
Hi Rukmini, This is Chandana from Hyderabad. I joined the group today and eagerly waiting to participate in the outreach programs. Could you please let me know if any programs planned for Hyderabad? Thanks, Chandana.
Thanks for all the participants from Pune and Mumbai! Details for the Chennai event are confirmed! Check [News Updates](!Synapse:syn12138866/wiki/581902)
Chennai, likely 24 July, IITM Bengaluru, likely 25 July, SJRI Kolkata, likely 1 Aug, ISI

Outreach Programs in Pune, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru and Kolkata page is loading…