Hello, I'm trying to download this data on behave of Rui Chang for his lab and I was trying to use the Synapse command line tool but I keep getting "SynapseHTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden" error messages. So far I've tried using "synapse get" on individual files syn18726718 and syn18726859 and both attempts have given me this error. I'm using version 1.9.2 of the command line tool. Thanks much! Branden

Created by Branden Lau bmlau
Update: To transfer data from Synapse requires following the instructions under "Transferring data from Synapse to your AWS account" here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn15067647/wiki/591142
It is a violation of the Synapse [Terms of Use](https://s3.amazonaws.com/static.synapse.org/governance/SageBionetworksSynapseTermsandConditionsofUse.pdf?v=5) for your P.I. to give you their credentials and ask you to download data. To download data you must use your own credentials and obtain the necessary permissions.
To clarify, I'm using my PI's username and credentials to download the data because he already has access. When I run: synapse get syn18726859 I get: SynapseHTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden AccessDeniedAccess DeniedEFBCEC9DE97AB945GSMXH9wLNV5nGcY4dip/sAUypZs2HRTsuZQ/80OplJexPOzkiKqSF9+okCHaxBgQIgEl8K+u980=
Hi, again. I tried duplicating the issue. I ran ``` synapse get syn18726859 ``` and got: ``` SynapseUnmetAccessRestrictions: This entity has access restrictions. Please visit the web page for this entity (syn.onweb("syn18726859")). Click the downward pointing arrow next to the file's name to review and fulfill its download requirement(s). ``` If this is different from what you are seeing, please let me know.
Hi: If you visit https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18726718 or https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn18726859 you will see a button, "Request Access". Please click it and follow the instructions. Once complete, please try again to download the data. If you continue to have difficulty after that, post again to this forum and we will be happy to assist you.

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