I am getting the following error while trying to run the docker file.
[Error log](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QAo5FSRAU38J9H2j6yIjdMqVNsLKg0EU)
I have already created the ./train.sh and ./inference.sh executables using chmod +x train.sh and inference.sh. I can run them on my machine using ./train.sh and ./inference.sh commands.
[Local PC Execution](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xzDiWQpi-hgGn41bC4X0q-Go6f6XehOm)
Would request your help in this regards.
Created by BISPL I think that WORKDIR in your Dockerfile is '/workspace'.
But 'train.sh' and 'inference.sh' is in '/root' directory.
Change the Dockerfile
1) `WORKDIR /workspace` to `WORKDIR /root`
2) `COPY . .` after `WORKDIR /workspace`
Thank you. Thank you for your reply!
The docker image already contains my source codes. Please find attached the file list of my docker image.
[File list](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FaBEKApFsT0eUKcInDhfeXLMrlMYN6yA)
Regards Your docker image does not contain 'train.sh' and 'inference.sh'.
You must copy source codes to docker image.
Read this manual.
Thank you.