My uploaded process is stuck at waiting from an hour. Please help.

Created by BISPL
Can you please confirm if separate submissions are run on separate GPUs or not? Thank you
Thank you for your response. Understood. So if I submit 2 containers they are run on two different GPUs? My code was running on 100% GPU usage, so I was worried if I submit two containers to run at once, both may compete for GPU time and both may get slowed. So this won't be a problem. Two submitted containers will run on two different GPUs, so it will take the same time?
we provide only 1 gpu per container.
Now I am getting GPU Device(1) not found. The server machine is mentioned to be a 2 GPU machine right? Can you please help me with how to run the code on only 2nd GPU? This command works on my PC. # os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]="1"
Our cluster had some problem. It is fixed now.

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