Hi everyone,
Validation is running on the fast lane queues again.
I have put a 2 hr time limit on them for now.
If you run into any issues please let me know.
Created by Andrew Lamb andrewelamb Hi @zurkin
You are right that parameter file wasn't mounting correctly into the docker container. It looks like I've fixed it, would mind making a submission to one of the fast lanes that checks for the file, for confirmation?
Thanks! I tried only the coarse grained queue. @zurkin
Is this not working in a particular queue? It doesn't work. I get error when trying to open either /param/parameters.json or /input/param/parameters.json. @zurkin
I've implemented this.
look for a file:
param/parameters.json that looks like:
"round": "fastlane",
"subchallenge": "coarse"
"round": "fastlane",
"subchallenge": "fine"
Let me know if you try it out.
Yes, thank you. @zurkin I don't want to change the mounted input folder between the coarse and fine subchallenges (it would be a giant hassle on our end the way things are setup).
However, I could do something like mount an additional file such as parameters/parameters.json that could look like:
"round": "leaderboard1",
"subchallenge": "coarse"
Would this help? Hi Andrew,
Instead of creating two docker files (one for each challenge) I like to maintain just one. Is it possible to get as a parameter to the docker image (on the input.csv file) the type of the challenge?
Drop files to upload
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