Quick questions regarding these input data fields, as described in https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn15589870/wiki/592699 **platform ** - The platform used to generate the data (i.e., Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0, Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST, Illumina HumanHT-12 V4.0, Illumina HiSeq 2000, Affymetrix Human Gene 1.1 ST, Affymetrix Human Gene PrimeView) - Can Platform only get one of these possible values? **native.probe.type** - The "namespace" of the probes in the data as originally generated [i.e., Probe (for microarray), Hugo, or ENSG (Ensembl)] - Will native.probe.type always be "Probe" for microarray data? Thank you, TS.

Created by Tom Snir tomsnir
Platform: That is correct. native.probe.type: Mostly, we have one microarray dataset where this is listed as Hugo.

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