Hi folks, I'm sorry that I've fallen behind in answering questions. I think at this point we are caught up. If you have a question that still hasn't been addressed, please ping me again. I will be more responsive going forward. Good luck as the first round closes! Brian

Created by Brian White brian.white
Hi @frost Please start a separate thread with your question. When you do, please include the Docker commands you used to copy your data, the code you used to try to access it within the image, and the specific error you encountered. Thank you, Brian
Hello? I copied my single-cell data to image in the same way as the model example you gave. but when I submitted my model I ran an error. The error is that could not find the single-cell data I copied. Can you tell me how do I write my data path so that the model can access my copied data? Kind regards, LuHan

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