Hi! After carefull evaluation of my models, I suspect that there might be some insilico and some in vitro admixtures in the datasets of phase 1 to 3. Is that right? In that case, it would be important to know it (and possibly which datasets are insilico or invitro) but more importantly, it would be good to know if the final sets are gonna be mixed in vitro as I suppose (by in vitro I mean mixing the different cells RNAs in known proportions before sequencing). This is a relevant question due to the fact that in vitro mixtures presents a technical variance that is different to the insilico mixtures Thank you very much for your response! Martin

Created by Martin Guerrero martinguerrero89
Hi Martin, Yes, all of the datasets in phase 3 were in silico admixtures (that we created). I don't believe any of the admixtures from phases 1 and 2 were in silico. Certainly we did not create any admixtures in silico (or otherwise) for phases 1 and 2. You are not referring to the difference between quantifying RNA and quantifying cells are you? I believe we spoke about this on an earlier thread. If I'm not mistaken, in silico admixtures test your ability to quantify RNA. And, since we mix RNA not cells, our in vitro admixtures will do the same. For the validation phase, we intend to have both in vitro and in silico admixtures. I will have to discuss with the rest of the committee whether we should indicate them as in vitro vs in silico. Wouldn't you need to know how we're doing the in silico mixing? Can you give us a little more detail on the 'technical variance' differences ... or explain to me privately if it's part of your approach? Thanks, Brian

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