Hi participants, We are having some difficulty with the validation data that has pushed our timeline back. The validation phase certainly will not open before late January. Our apologies for the delay. We will keep you all updated. If there is sufficient interest in another leaderboard round, which would be created as in silico admixtures, we could do that. This itself would not happen before mid January. Have a wonderful holiday, Brian

Created by Brian White brian.white
Hi Brian! Thank you for your kind response In particular I'm ok with the test phases done so far. About the dates, thank you for letting us know. In late january I will be on a cruise for 16 days with not very much internet access. Hope the deadline is before or after those days (from january 19 to February 05). If it happens to be in between those days let me know so I can submit before departure. I understand you still don't know so I will be attentive to any news . Best Martin

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