Hi everyone! I've opened up the queues for submission. Note that the leader board isn't quite ready yet, we hope to have it up ASAP. You will still be e-mailed your scores.

Created by Andrew Lamb andrewelamb
No problem!
thanks for the clarification @andrewelamb.
Yes, there will be a row for every dataset. Here is what the /input/input.csv file looks like from round1: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn20564945
@andrewelamb Now I understand what you are saying that I have to access the other column names also from input.csv like for every dataset I have to access the hugo.expr.file column so that I can make the name of whole csv file right ?
I read that from input/input.csv and it only gives me DS1 i.e. Dataset Name but not the whole name that is what I am saying @andrewelamb.
@aashi123 There are more detailed instructions [here](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn15589870/wiki/592699) You should be getting all your file names from the /input/input.csv file
@andrewelamb I have read the names of dataset from input/input.csv and then after I read the input/DS1-hugo-gene-expr.csv.Now I understand How I have to call the file name like for DS1 I have to pass hugo_tpm_DS1.csv right?I have one more question this same format is going to follow for every dataset or only for DS1 dataset.Pls answer that question.
Hi Aashi! I'm looking at submission 9702787 and the error is: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/input/DS1-hugo-gene-expr.csv' That makes sense since it is not the name of the file you are looking for. You should be using the file names found in /input/input.csv The columns you want are one of these: [hugo.expr.file, hugo.expr.est.counts.file, ensg.expr.file, ensg.expr.est.counts.file} And for DS1 the files would be: [hugo_tpm_DS1.csv, hugo_counts_DS1.csv, ensg_tpm_DS1.csv, ensg_counts_DS1.csv] Let me know if you have any questions! -Andrew
Sry Hugo gene expression file.
Hi, I am submitting my code .It is like the previous one but it is not reading my samples file as it is showing that there is no file present there.I choose hugo gene expression profile is there no hugo gene expression profile there @andrewelamb.
Go ahead and submit your model when you're ready. We'll have more details about the write up (what and when) later in the round. -Andrew
Hi Andrew! It's exciting to know that the final phase is now open. About the write-up. Should it be uploaded before the final model submission deadline or can it be uploaded after it? Best, Martin

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