Dear organizers I hope you are all doing great! I have just one question. For previous submissions you allowed us to have access to the features available/used in each of the validation datasets. For this round, I have not seen such files. For the majority of the models, a count matrix with the correct dimensions is needed and for such thing, the list of the features present would be useful as you gave in the previous phases (!Synapse:syn15589870/discussion/threadId=5915) Let us know if this is going to be possible! Best, Martin

Created by Martin Guerrero martinguerrero89
@martinguerrero89 @maja This is [here.](!Synapse:syn22014522)
@maja We will be providing this. We are augmenting the datasets for the current final round, so I will provide this as soon as those are sorted out. We will also be extending the deadline because of this. I'll have more details soon. -Andrew
Dear Andrew, I understand that you are very busy and I don't want to push you, but could you give the features soon as the final dead line is approaching? In case you have decided to not provide the present features, please let us know about you decision. Thank you! Sincerely, Maria
Hi Andrew, That sounds great! I will be waiting for your response Thank you!
Hi @martinguerrero89, I had forgotten we did this for previous rounds, mostly due to the large break between round3 and the current one. I don't see why we can't do it for this round as well, but I will check and get back to you by the end of the day.

Features available for final phase? page is loading…