Hi Everyone! It looks like the fast lanes were down for a while. I've restarted them, so if you made a submission to them that wasn't ever validated you will be getting those results shortly. Sorry about that! -Andrew

Created by Andrew Lamb andrewelamb
@chang91 Let me get back to you on that. We are in the process of adding more datasets to the final round. I'll provide more information on all those when that is finalized.
Thanks @andrewelamb Problem solved to me too! Thanks!
Thanks to the organizer! I hope everyone doing well! I have a question about the data size. It seems there are totally two datasets for the final phase. However, dataset 1 has 11866 genes (features) but only has 2 samples. Are these **2 samples** the normal situation or I have the wrong input format? After checked, the dataset 1 is 11866 genes by 2 samples, the dataset2 is 11866 genes by 3 samples. Best, Wennan
Hello, Yes, it seems to work fine now, thanks! Best, Julien
Yep, that was my bad. I believe I fixed the issue and started to rerun all the affected submissions. If you continue to see errors please let me know! -Andrew
HI guys! I'm having the exact same issue here! Let me know what the problem might be Best, Martin
Dear @andrewelamb , Thank you for your message. I've submitted some jobs to the fast lane queues, but they fail, telling that "'input/input.csv' does not exist in current working directory ('/').". I also tried with older docker images that had worked fine in the past and they have the same issue, so I guess the problem isn't from my side? Could you fix it or is there something wrong I'm doing with the location of the input folder? Thank you! Cheers, Julien

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