Hi everyone and thanks for the patience! I've just opened up the the final round queues. Since it took longer than expected we've pushed the final deadline back to 12PM PST May 22nd. If you have any questions or issues feel free to post them here. Thanks!

Created by Andrew Lamb andrewelamb
@tomsnir I can relate on timezone issues, especially when daylight savings time is thrown into the mix. it is currently 10:03 AM PST, so you are correct you have a little under 26 hours until the deadline.
Hello, @andrewelamb could you please clarify the deadline you mentioned? I am not from the US, it looks like PST is used for summer time/daylight saving time, and I am having trouble calculating exactly when it is. According to what I see, at the time of writing this message, we have 1 day and 2 hours left to submit. Can you please confirm this? Thank you!
@jracle @chang91 The May 22nd deadline is for submissions, that's when the ques will be closed to further submissions. We don't have a date yet for writeups etc just yet, we'll let you know, and give everyone plenty of notice. @chang91 We close to double the number of datasets, so there is around mroe than double the total number of samples.
Hi @andrewelamb Thank you so much for the update. Did you expand the sample number for the validation dataset? Besides, also the question mentioned by @jracle. Is the deadline for shutting down the validation line or submitted the report and source code? Hope everyone stay safe and take care! Wennan Chang
Hi @andrewelamb , Little question concerning the deadline: is Friday May 22nd also the deadline for the final write-up and source code submission or do we have more time for this? (the page https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn15589870/wiki/592695 doesn't indicate the deadline for this). Thank you! Cheers, Julien

Final round queues back open, submission deadline pushed to Friday May 22nd page is loading…