We've increased the allowed submissions per queue to 3. This will allow teams that have made their two submissions to take advantage of the new deadline. Thank you to @martinguerrero89 for the suggestion!

Created by Andrew Lamb andrewelamb
Dear @rsyu , I understand your concerns. Nevertheless, during a pandemic I feel it is important to show flexibility. Some, for example, have reported being without internet access for long periods of time while working from home. I think both extending the deadline (to assist those unable to meet the original deadline because of coronavirus) and the number of submissions (so that those who were able to meet the deadline are not unduly penalized) is a fair, if imperfect, compromise. I am extending the deadline one final time: Final submissions must be made by **12:01 PM US Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) on Friday, May 29**. You may submit your models up to **3 times per queue**. I apologize, Rongshan, that this is not your preference. I hope you will understand given the exceptional circumstances. Best, Brian
Dear Andrew, I can understand the eagerness of some teams to have more time and more submissions in the competition but increasing the time and the number of submissions would certainly increase the risk of overfitting in the final models, on top of the fairness issue to teams who had made significant efforts to complete the model with good results before the initial deadline. In particular, increasing the number of submissions to 3 or more in a competition could potentially increase the risk of evaluation dataset being compromised, and lead to bias results in favor of less robust solutions as the final submission from a team can be a combination of best models from their previous trials. I would suggest that we evaluate the merits of submitted models with a clear deadline and number of submissions (first two), and we could leave further optimization to the community phase with combined efforts to produce the best model. Best Regards, Rongshan

Allowing an additional submission per team. page is loading…