Hi everyone! Just a reminder that the final round is closing tomorrow at 12pm PST. You have ~ 22 hours left! If you want to see how you are doing versus the field [click here.](https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn15589870/tables/) Thanks!

Created by Andrew Lamb andrewelamb
Yes! you were right, It was a DNS problem! Thank you very much for all the help! I have really enjoyed the challenge!
Great! I was coming to the conclusion it was a network issue somewhere between you and synapse, and wasn't sure if there was anything to fix that. -Andrew
It seems it is working now! Thanks!!!
I'm trying now but it is not working either
Could you try pushing the fine-grained one again and see if it works?
mguerrero@samson:~/R35/deconv/final_cg$ sudo docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE I D CREATED SIZE docker.synapse.org/syn20674744/coarse_final.s latest 0073dae 69fb7 About an hour ago 2.45GB docker.synapse.org/syn20674744/fine_final.s latest e987e46 50ce8 2 hours ago 2.74GB
Can you show me what you get when you run the command "docker images"? Thanks!
yeap! mguerrero@samson:~/R35/deconv/final_cg$ sudo docker push docker.synapse.org/syn20674744/coarse_final.s The push refers to repository [docker.synapse.org/syn20674744/coarse_final.s] ebd625950960: Retrying in 1 second 4936bafc3bd1: Retrying in 16 seconds bc313e4f7a5a: Retrying in 1 second 14c24a841629: Retrying in 1 second 7e5f8062a518: Retrying in 1 second be9bdcedf9c6: Waiting 923c21494aeb: Waiting ffa738756565: Waiting d33dcd43966f: Waiting 5cfb3901fe5a: Waiting 9c887d0dd6cb: Waiting 8673f31aaa43: Waiting d8895f782cd1: Waiting 1fe356c64d3b: Waiting e2a8a00a83b2: Waiting ..... And after some time I get: dial tcp: lookup repo-prod.prod.sagebase.org on read udp> i/o timeout
Can you show me the command you are using to push, and then show me the error you get this time?
I'm trying to upload the docker image to synapse. Haven't got it up yet to submit it to the queue
I'm able to push an image right now. Just to be clear, is this you pushing an image to your repo, or submitting the image to the queue?
Thanks Andrew I've tried but keep having the same error... I will keep trying Thanks!
Try submitting again, and I'll ping our IT team. Hopefully it was just an AWS hiccup.
DA505 is my team Error response from daemon: Get https://docker.synapse.org/v2/: Get https://repo-prod.prod.sagebase.org/docker/v1/bearerToken?account=martinguerrero89&client_id=docker&offline_token=true&service=docker.synapse.org: dial tcp: lookup repo-prod.prod.sagebase.org on read udp> i/o timeout
What error are you seeing? Also what team are you submitting as? There are several in progress at the moment.
Hi Andrew! I'm wondering if the server is down? I'm trying to submit a docker and keep failing to connect. Just a moments ago I did uploaded the finegrain docker just fine...

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