SynapseMd5MismatchError: Downloaded file jt_01.raw's md5 a540f6026edf47fb71f06125e9e47404 does not match expected MD5 of 132e85dae089129d0a003eed85a65780

Created by Lei Guo lei.guo
R synapserutils::syncToSynapse() function was just used to upload files 01 and 02, and now md5 checksum is the same on the file listing as what I get on the local copies. Upload of the remaining 32 files likewise will complete in ~8 hours based on the prior upload time. Hopefully this is the only case of prior uploaded files being corrupt and is not affecting other uploads. Let me know if this fixes your issue.
Thank you for your quick response, Eric. Yes, please fix this MD5 mismatch problem. I'm downloading the data to our cluster using command line "synapse get -r syn15623114". The MD5 mismatch problem wouldn't let me go further. Or is there other ways to download the data to a cluster?
Although my download completed and the raw file could open in the file reader, I get the same MD5 using a third party calculator that you have in your message, which is different from the md5 on the synapse file download. These two md5 checksums are both different from the md5 e30dc86461f0e52c10e8c11989249a42 for the original copy of the file I uploaded, which I maintain. If it helps, I would be happy to upload the files again to troubleshoot this possible problem. Since last year, a large volume of other data uploads to other shares were completed the same way, so it would be good to get to the bottom of this.
The single file jt_01.raw was downloaded and confirmed to be readable with Xcalibur, with my time server set to, but I did notice that no successful synchronization with the NTP protocol server had occurred in a day. appears to be a functioning alternative. This may have to do with a combination of the US government shutdown and's use of time synchronization as part of file transfer integrity checks. Microsoft's time server has caused problems in this regard during uploads of data by me, despite synchronizing successfully. In Windows 10, the time server synchronization setting is changed under Control Panel > Clock and Region > Date and Time (click green link) > Internet Time (tab) > Server: [enter server name] > Update now (button)

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