In the geometry.txt file, the y-coordinate for almost all of the 3039 positions are positive, which makes sense because the positions represent one half of the embryo. However, there are 8 positions whose y-coordinate are negative. In this challenge, are there supposed to be positions with negative y-coordiate?

Created by Peng Qiu pqiu
Hi Nikos, The anterior and dorsal view(see figures below) of the geometry file shows that the 8 positions with negative y values are outliers, and may lead to some complications for this challenge. Maybe we should remove these position or project these points to positive y values? ${imageLink?synapseId=syn16801100&align=Center&scale=50&responsive=true&altText=anterior} ${imageLink?synapseId=syn16801101&align=Center&scale=50&responsive=true&altText=dorsal}
The positions are not random at all -- they correspond to real positions on the fly embryo as quantified by the BDNTP project. The y-coordinate is also a bit misleading, as it goes from one side of the embryo to the bilaterally symmetric one. Plotting the xcoord against the zcoord creates a lateral view that is very useful for visualization.
Dear organizers, i don't understand this one - - - the position in space of the 3039 seems extremely sparsely sampled most of the positions are not filled in an irregular way. isn't it making more sense to assign to continuous space, rather than a few very sparsely and randomly sampled points? tbanks a ton yuanfang

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