Hi all, I was trying to read the data into R following the instruction from the link 2.3 Data description. However, the code is not correct. If you completely follow the instruction in the first section, you will get the following error when you are trying to binarize the data(R version 3.2.2 or 3.5): >> dm <- binarizeSingleCellData(dm, seq(0.15, 0.5, 0.01)) >Error in object@data[gene, ] : subscript out of bounds The reason is that the gene names in the Drop-seq dataset and in-situ dataset does not match. While there is a solution in the following sections. the simplest one is to modify the default setting when you are reading the in-situ dataset. That is insitu.matrix = read.csv("binarized_bdtnp.csv",check.names=F) Best, Jeff

Created by jeff-king

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