Q: If we can know the positions using the given 84 genes, isn't it possible that we just randomly choose any 20/40/60 out of 84 and choose the true position as candidate #1 and choose the closest positions around the true position for the remaining 9 candidates? A: You can do that, but that's probably not the best approach

Created by Thomas Yu thomas.yu
No of course you are not allowed, there has to be a rationale for how you found the position of the cell... In any case we will take that into account when scoring... P
Hi, I have a following question regarding this thread. Since we know the actual positions of the cells (obtained by DistMap using the 84 genes), are we allowed to include the actual position of the cell by default in the top10 predictions ? Would this be considered as disqualified? Please inform us, Sincerely, Yookyung Koh

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