Q: When mapping cells? positions based on the maximum mcc, multiple cells can be mapped to one position. For the unique mapping, are there further processes? A: There is only one max MCC when using all 84 in situs

Created by Thomas Yu thomas.yu
Hi Thomas, Many cells are not mapped uniquely to a bin. For example, I used the provided code to compute the MCC matrix "dm@mcc.scores" in which rows are bins and columns are cells. Cell number 3 can be mapped to bins 1705 and 2124 using max MCC. > dim(dm@mcc.scores) [1] 3039 1297 > which(dm@mcc.scores[,3]==max(dm@mcc.scores[,3])) [1] 1705 2124 In this case, which bin is considered the ground truth for the underlying cell? Thanks

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