Hi, From the webinar and challenge wiki, we learned that there will be a mid-way submission before the final submission, is it correct? If so, could you please let us know when exactly the deadline for mid-way submission is so that we can plan for the submission accordingly? Thanks, April

Created by Chang Shu aprilshuc
Dear Tom, Yes, the submission will be csv files submitted through synapse. Please follow these instructions to submit (Web Client): https://docs.synapse.org/articles/challenge_participation.html#run-your-algorithms-and-submit-to-the-challenge Best, Tom
Any updates regarding the mid-way submission? Will the submission just be the csv files submitted through synapse, or something more complex? Any information you can share now will make it easier for us to be ready for Nov 1st. Thank you,
OK thanks, Pablo! We will wait for a confirmation later then.
Hi we are aiming for November 1st, but bare with us to confirm thanks Pablo

When is exact deadline for the mid-way submission? page is loading…