Hi all just wondering if some of you are thinking on coming to New York for the DREAM challenge conference on december 8. We are trying to organize a session on the challenge and need to see if any of you are thinking of attending https://www.iscb.org/recomb-regsysgen2018-program thanks Pablo

Created by Pablo Meyer jeriscience
Sorry I meant I need an abstract , title and names, just as if you submitted to easychair (a pdf file please), someone will upload it to easychair so that it appears in the conf. proceedings. P
Hi Pablo, So we could present our approach to the SC Transcriptomics challenge as a poster? Since I am coming to the conference, I would be interested in having a poster too. Can you consider the Markdown document as the material that the poster will be made of? In this case https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17057754/wiki/586073 or you want us to submit the ppt file of the actual poster? Thanks, Adi
Hi just send me your poster abstract, tx P
Hello, I am trying to submit a poster following the link in that page https://www.iscb.org/recomb-regsysgen2018-submission/recomb-regsysgen2018-dream but it looks like the ?Paper submission for RSGDREAM2018 is closed.? Full message: ?You are trying to enter EasyChair pages for RSGDREAM2018. Paper submission for RSGDREAM2018 is closed. You seem to have no previous roles at RSGDREAM2018, so you cannot enter its pages. If you have questions about the conference, please contact RSGDREAM2018 chairs.? Is there a different way to submit? Thank you, Nestoras
Hi everybody is welcome to join, I encourage all participants to [submit a poster](https://www.iscb.org/cms_addon/conferences/rsg2018/posters.php?session=DREAM) and be present, it will be a small and cozy poster session, the more the merrier. We will all be able to discuss challenge results, approaches and the writing of the paper, during DREAM day. Regarding your questions Nestor: A) You can definitely still submit to the conference for a poster for DREAM session. B) We only have 2 or 3 slots (see RSG-DREAM program) and the decision is based on 1) Subchallenge best performers 2) Best overall ranking. Of course we will contact the best performers in advance to invite them to give a talk (we already did but if they dont accept or cannot we will go down the ranks) thanks Pablo
Hello, I have two questions regarding the conference, I am considering of attending but before deciding I would like to know if A) we can submit the work we did for the challenge as a poster for the conference. B) Also, will you select one winner per sub-challenge or one winner across all sub-challenges? If the first, how many teams per sub-challenge will present their work and when will they be notified? Based on previous ranks / scores, we ranked 3rd for subchallenge 3, so regardless of the final results we would like to share our work with other groups if this is possible. You can find more information on our work here: https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn17055868/wiki/585917 Thank you, Nestoras
Happy to hear Maryam and Adi!
I am planning to attend the conference.
planning to attend the conference.
Great to hear there is interest, See you soon in New York I hope! Pablo
We are evaluating based on budget, thanks for sharing the link.
We are doing a semester long graduate course around the challenge - and naturally participating in this challenge. I am sending some of my students to the conference. Four are registered already, and I may invite a few more depending on budget and availability.
Yes of course!
Hi Pablo Our team is working on the DREAM challenge. However, none of the members will be able to attend the meeting in New York due to budgetary reasons. Is it possible to send our solutions to the DREAM challenge without participating in the RECOMB Meeting?

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